Saturday, June 17, 2006

the devil wears prada?

well...I've recently broke down and bought a copy of this book. I've been putting off from buying it for some time now. Not really for any particular reason, some could say because I'm cheap, but there really isn't an answer as to why. Although a trip to Wal-Mart on a boring Saturday will make you buy such random things.
I wanted to read this book since I found it on Amazon last summer, and finding out that they made it into a movie...figured it would be better to read the book first before I see the movie (if I ever do!).
Yes, this isn't much of a post...but as I said earlier it's been one of those boring Saturday's where I'm spending the night watching the 6th game of the Stanley Cup Playoffs by myself at home. No, I'm not looking for sympathy or pity...I'm just telling you what my night will consist of.
I suppose I'm done for the moment.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Officially graduated!

After four years of good ol' schoolin' finally happened. I walked across the stage shook the hand of three people whom I've never met before, nor will meet again. I graduated university. I'd like to say the whole convocation experience was exciting but it definitly was more tiring than exciting...maybe if I actually received my degree on stage it would have been more worth the wait. But, no dice. We had to pick up our degree afterwards. Ah well, no more Laurier for me.
Although, best part...a musical interlude because Mr. Bob Rae, the chancellor, needed a break because of a bad back. So random, midway through the procession and the music starts up. WTF! Then we find out what's up...oh man.
Anywho, I suppose it would have been more exciting if I was graduating with my close friends but it seems I was the only one there for the BA Spring Convocation. Everyone else either was in Business or graduating in the fall. Oh's over and done with. Another chapter in my life closed. That's the scariest part...ugh!