Death Cab for Hootie
Death Cab for Cutie
Olympic Island
Good times had this past Saturday on Toronto Islands. Saw two great bands (Stars and Death Cab) while having chats and visits with a friend from home. Mind you, I think I've seen her more than I've seen my besties (some of whom who go back all the way to daycare), however, I won't go there.
Picture below: I promise, that is Death Cab playing, we were pretty far back, but the acoustics were amazing - as though we were front row)
New hair cut
My head feels and looks much better. No more unsightly split ends, which popped up over night and became a big eye sore one early morning in the bathroom mirror. It's an odd thing with hair, one day it looks decent, like usual, then all of a sudden...BAM...desperate calls to hair salons are made.
Picture below: Not much shorter, but layered with some shape. Me like!

My new adventure
I want to start strawberry plants in pots. Lots of research and internets to figure out how to do this right. It seems anything I try to grow never actually "grows". This time, I will make every effort to get it right. I know there is a green thumb in there (even if it's only a tiny green thumb - a green pinky finger if you will).
Olympic Island
Good times had this past Saturday on Toronto Islands. Saw two great bands (Stars and Death Cab) while having chats and visits with a friend from home. Mind you, I think I've seen her more than I've seen my besties (some of whom who go back all the way to daycare), however, I won't go there.
Picture below: I promise, that is Death Cab playing, we were pretty far back, but the acoustics were amazing - as though we were front row)
New hair cut
My head feels and looks much better. No more unsightly split ends, which popped up over night and became a big eye sore one early morning in the bathroom mirror. It's an odd thing with hair, one day it looks decent, like usual, then all of a sudden...BAM...desperate calls to hair salons are made.
Picture below: Not much shorter, but layered with some shape. Me like!

My new adventure
I want to start strawberry plants in pots. Lots of research and internets to figure out how to do this right. It seems anything I try to grow never actually "grows". This time, I will make every effort to get it right. I know there is a green thumb in there (even if it's only a tiny green thumb - a green pinky finger if you will).
Labels: Summer 2008