I work at an information kiosk on campus...what that means is I sit in a little booth and watch the world pass me by. What this also means is that people don't notice the fact that I can see them and everything they do. The things they do when it's assumed no one is around watching. We have little quirks and mannerisms which we only do when we think no one is around, I have them, we all do.
This job makes my love of people watching a requirement of my week (well, not necessarily a requirement, but it's something to kill the time!). I also get the chance to see the stupid things people do, 3-point turns when they really shouldn't be doing that. Running red lights, racing to catch the yellow light. Crossing the 4 lane road when cars have the right of way.
(EDIT: I just saw a van, who had a green, continue through the intersection even though an ambulance was clearly coming up to the intersection from the cross-road. I love the respect some individual's have for emergency vehicles.)I hear people's insanely loud laugher, talking too loud on their cells. Or my personal favourite: seeing the crazy and interesting things people choose to wear. Not that I'm the authority on fashion. But we all know there are those people who just don't look in a mirror while their getting dressed. Their sense of style may reflect their sense (or lack there of) of colour coordination.
Anywho, I'm not trying to be rude...god only knows some of the things I wear or do, others probably joke about. I just think it's interesting to see people in their raw form. The time's when they're not trying to impress someone or creating a persona for themselves; when they are, simply, on their own, doing their own thing.