Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunset on my rearview mirror

(A shot I took on the way back to school. I took a picture in focus but it just didn't look as interesting as this one did.)
I'm not really sure why I am posting but like my other blog, when I first started it, I felt compelled to add to it. I know there are few who care what is said, I'm sure most just pass by moving on to the next random blog but heck, I suppose this is for my own release then anything else.
This is one of those blogs that no one knows I have, although I'm sure someone who knows me will come across it and wonder what the heck am I doing with a blog.

My secret: I love looking for people's blogs who go to my university...people whom I've heard of on campus and know their names, but they don't know who I am.

Is that a little creepy? Maybe...however, I am a total people watcher and enjoy getting to see the side of people who I would never have the ability to talk to or get to know.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Snow Day!

These are the best days of them's like being in public school again. Fingers-crossed, waiting to see if buses are cancelled. However, my problem with snow days was the fact that I lived around the corner from my elementary school. Heck, if I screamed loud enough someone in the schoolyard would probably hear me from my house. And so...this leads to a little memory of mine from back in the day:

Before christmas, huge snowstorm, roads and sidewalks slippery, all buses cancelled, school supposedly still open. Well, my dad is outside shovelling the driveway. He makes me and my brother trek to school, saying that we are won't kill us. We disgruntly make our way up the hill (the school was on a huge hill that we had to walk up). Usually we waited for one of the older 8th grader boys to get their first and follow in their steps (*oh we were clever back then*). But sadly, we were without. Twenty minutes later, looking at the building. We find the school has snow drifts up to the roof...only a one-storey building, but still, craziness...Needless to say, we find the doors locked (well, we only checked one and that was good enough for us!! *haha*). The best part...playing in those huge snowdrifts until we became numb from all the snow.
So, yes...there is no real point to this story but it's one of my childhood memories. I actually remember very little from when I was younger, so having memories like these always give me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Gotta love living in the snow belt of Southern Ontario!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

happy valentine's day

Monday, February 13, 2006

in the blink of an eye

I'll be done my university career as of Tuesday April 18, 2006. Four years went by too fast to even, really, think about. I can remember bits and pieces but it feels more like a blur.
I've learned a few things along the way...academically and socially.

1) there's more to the media than meets the eye.
2) people aren't always what they seem.
3) there is a huge world out there that we all need to look at.
4) your friend's may not be as great as you once thought they were.
5) Everything changes.

Sometimes I think it will be great to "grow up", on the other hand, I'm afraid. Not so much afraid, as unsure. Maybe if I had a better idea of what I want to be, do, see, become of myself, that may ease things a little more...however, I'm no where near that point.
Wish me luck!

Friday, February 10, 2006

outside the box

I work at an information kiosk on campus...what that means is I sit in a little booth and watch the world pass me by. What this also means is that people don't notice the fact that I can see them and everything they do. The things they do when it's assumed no one is around watching. We have little quirks and mannerisms which we only do when we think no one is around, I have them, we all do.
This job makes my love of people watching a requirement of my week (well, not necessarily a requirement, but it's something to kill the time!). I also get the chance to see the stupid things people do, 3-point turns when they really shouldn't be doing that. Running red lights, racing to catch the yellow light. Crossing the 4 lane road when cars have the right of way. (EDIT: I just saw a van, who had a green, continue through the intersection even though an ambulance was clearly coming up to the intersection from the cross-road. I love the respect some individual's have for emergency vehicles.)
I hear people's insanely loud laugher, talking too loud on their cells. Or my personal favourite: seeing the crazy and interesting things people choose to wear. Not that I'm the authority on fashion. But we all know there are those people who just don't look in a mirror while their getting dressed. Their sense of style may reflect their sense (or lack there of) of colour coordination.
Anywho, I'm not trying to be rude...god only knows some of the things I wear or do, others probably joke about. I just think it's interesting to see people in their raw form. The time's when they're not trying to impress someone or creating a persona for themselves; when they are, simply, on their own, doing their own thing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

let the job hunt begin

complete lack of memory seems i completely forget I had set up this blog. Only took 2 years to remember, haha. Well, I ended up starting another one on another site. But after rediscovering this one, I may just start it back up again. Funny how things work out! I even still enjoy the title of I'm good, haha.
I'm no good at the HTML editing, but I suppose sometime when I get the chance to sit down and dink around with it maybe then I'll get a handle on it. Who knows! I drive an automatic car, so maybe I'll stick with what I know right now.

As I said, this blog is a pleasant surprise...kind of excited to start this back up again. Wish me luck!!