Thursday, February 16, 2006

Snow Day!

These are the best days of them's like being in public school again. Fingers-crossed, waiting to see if buses are cancelled. However, my problem with snow days was the fact that I lived around the corner from my elementary school. Heck, if I screamed loud enough someone in the schoolyard would probably hear me from my house. And so...this leads to a little memory of mine from back in the day:

Before christmas, huge snowstorm, roads and sidewalks slippery, all buses cancelled, school supposedly still open. Well, my dad is outside shovelling the driveway. He makes me and my brother trek to school, saying that we are won't kill us. We disgruntly make our way up the hill (the school was on a huge hill that we had to walk up). Usually we waited for one of the older 8th grader boys to get their first and follow in their steps (*oh we were clever back then*). But sadly, we were without. Twenty minutes later, looking at the building. We find the school has snow drifts up to the roof...only a one-storey building, but still, craziness...Needless to say, we find the doors locked (well, we only checked one and that was good enough for us!! *haha*). The best part...playing in those huge snowdrifts until we became numb from all the snow.
So, yes...there is no real point to this story but it's one of my childhood memories. I actually remember very little from when I was younger, so having memories like these always give me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Gotta love living in the snow belt of Southern Ontario!!


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