Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Summertime slump

Having nearly made it through 3 months of this summer, it seems to be going by far too quickly. However, this week seems to be dragging on (even if its only tuesday)...most likely due to the fact that I have plans this coming weekend! What are those plans, well, CAMPING!!! Basically the only time I ever get to go is this one time in the summer...with my friends. Sort of become a yearly tradition (if you will).

I've definitly found that this blogging deal has worn off on me...after having my MSN Space blog for over a year and this one for (well, I'm not sure) I feel that it doesn't really do much for me anymore. I suppose it could be the lack of feedback, but I'm not really looking for feedback. My friends don't know about this page, so they definitly do not check it out. I'm kind of glad that they don't...allows me the opportunity to talk about things, etc. that I wouldn't normally do with them. Not that I couldn't but at times...I feel like these are more things I want to say to nothingness. Just to get them out there, not necessarily have them read. Which is kind of ironic since I'm writing about them in a VERY public place (aka the world wide web). I feel censored but less so, knowing the fact that people I know most likely won't find this (they aren't the kinds of people to search out blogs...unless they are and I don't know it!).

I just, kind of, wish I could use this as a better outlet for something. Not really commentary on my life...considering I don't have much of a life, especially living in a small town where I don't know anyone.

I suppose I'll include a picture from this past weekend (that's the one you see above!), where I was in Toronto with friends from school...and myself and a friend came across the Orange Day Parade. Now this was a very random occurence considering we were just killing time before we met up with everyone else at our intended destination of The Bata Shoe Museum. I digress...it was interesting and fun to watch. Even more interesting when we finally found someone willing to sit down and explain to us the meaning of Orange Day. Turns out King William of Orange (the Netherlands) came to Ireland during some war (can't remember the specifics!) and helped give religious freedom to the Irish. Currently its nondenominational, so there's no specific religion which is celebrated. It's a free-for all, for those who celebrate...if you will. So that was a history lesson I didn't expect, but it was fun. And who doesn't love a plethora of marching bands playing all kinds of irish music. This was also the day that my friend watching the parade learned that I am part irish in descent. Needless to say, beyond the parade the whole day was definitly a good time!!! A good change from the usual of meeting up with them to drink and go to the bar.

I'm also a big weiner and love museums, historical places, astronomy, etc. I suppose its my compensation for never being that interested in science class or my lack of skills at actually being involved in anything scientific/math related.

What else from this summer so far...well, I've been working out a lot lately. It's more of an excuse to get out of the house and to actually do something, than to actually get into shape. Well, it's also to get into shape but as stated there are other reasons. I'm definitly one of those people who take forever to lose weight. Not that I'm a heffer, but like most people I would like to lose a couple inches all over the place. I suppose that's the fact of life living in a culture that is obsessed with perfection. And as of lately the definition of perfection is completely whacked out of shape and is so mind-blowingly unnatural that it really makes no sense. Look at the individuals many people look up to as role models (espeically those who are younger and more persuasive), basically all of HOLLYWOOD and anyone else who thinks they are part of it. A- through to F- listed stars are now idols that we talk/look/gossip and want to be like.

Now I'm not a hypocrite, I also read the gossip magazines and watch the entertainment tonights on tv (mind you I don't do that so often anymore). However, I like to think that I have more of a handle on reality and understand that those people we see/read/talk about are singled out for a reason because they are not like the rest of us, if they were like us then there would be no HOLLYWOOD. When you make $1 million dollars, or even less for that matter, then you have the ability to afford the overpriced gym equipment/personal trainers/nutritionists/gurus/health freaks/plastic surgery, etc. If you can afford this then of course you're more likely to be able to stay at a more idealistic body image. Even if its not idealistic or not.

I digress...working out. Yeah, about a month and half left of my membership. I think I did pretty well considering it wasn't that expensive, I think I got my monies worth. Plus I love my new kicks, Nike Shox, kinda different but fun!!!

Well, I think this is enough for now. I guess I'm compensating for the lack of posting I've done in the past!



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