Tuesday, August 29, 2006

it's almost over

Summer is almost done. Kinda sad, it feels extremely weird to not be packing up my stuff and heading back to school, became routine after four years. Now, as of Sept. 1st I'll be without work. This should be interesting.
However, a plus is that I finally got my passport application handed in. And it should be in the mail as of Sept. 12th! Now I just need to actually find a place to use it...Spain, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia...who knows. But Spain is my number one choice at this moment!!! Now I just need to save up some more money.

Friends seems to be getting on my nerves lately. Bailing on plans, with excuses. Then doing things that goes right against those excuses. Irritating, therefore...avoiding them for awhile.

Discovered that A Different World is now on MMM. Awesome, that was such a good show. Gotta love reruns, they're the greatest invention! *hehe*

Update: just found this, and its so true..."id rather be alone than cling to people i dont care about."

Tuesday, August 1, 2006


So it's just come to my attention that my little space here looks like absolute crap on Internet Explorer. I made this discovery on my own, which makes me feel a little better...someone didn't have to point this out for me. I digress...those looking at this with Internet Explorer, I don't know how to fix it so it looks decent. My suggestion, switch to Firefox...my blog looks much cleaner, plus you'll make another discovery: the joy of using Firefox over Internet Explorer!!
*high five to that*

Random Quirkiness

In actuality I was gonna copy and paste the funny jokes from this website...instead, I'm going to make my life easier, go here - http://dailyquirk.blogspot.com/

Below are a few that I thoroughly enjoyed!!!

  • Sunburn is very becoming, but only when it is even. One must be careful not to look like a mixed grill. - Noel Coward
  • Bart Simpson at the chalkboard:
I will not scream for ice cream
  • A large sign, close by a rock hanging on a rope, in a state park in California:

Weather Station. Check the Rock. If it's wet, it's raining. If it's moving, it's windy. If you can't see it, it's foggy. If rock is gone, it's a tornado.