Friday, September 8, 2006

Dear bad drivers

When the light turns green, that tends to be your signal to place your foot on the gas and chug along down the road. Not sit and wonder why I'm behind you with my horn on! And...
When you're in the middle lane of a three lane Canadian highway, and a massive 18-wheeler is riding up your ass, that would be a good time to flick on the ol' turn signal and get out of his way. Not continue down the way as though you are number one and he can dink around waiting for you. It doesn't matter if you're American and have little concept of the metric system, if someone is driving much faster behind you. Get out of the way!! Yes, most of you american's seem to be quite scared to move anywhere other than the middle lane, but us people with km's on the car's gage have a better idea of how fast we're the old saying goes: Move it or Lose it!!! (This is of no reflect of my entire opinion of americans, just those who do not know how to drive on Canadian highways!!)

After having to drive around four counties this summer, and last...I've come to the realization that most driver's should not be licensed. Now, I'm not the best myself...but when it comes to common sense situations, I think I do ok.


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